NFTy Arcade Litepaper

December 2022

NFTy Arcade is the technology platform to manage GameFi assets and player performance at scale.

We help investors, gamers, games, and guilds seamlessly on-ramp into Web3. Lend or borrow competitive assets all on one platform - and keep a cut of the earnings.


Web3's gaming community is scattered across the metaverse. Investors and guilds have to source reliable players, rely on informal contracts, and spend time on error-prone manual payments. Gamers face capital restraints and confusing setup requirements. Games lack a centralized marketplace with flow of assets to support their ecosystems. By connecting these groups, NFTy Arcade aims to:

  1. Visualize and automate passive income for investors

  2. Remove barriers to entry intro Web3 ecosystems

  3. Make Web3 game on-ramping as easy as Web2 games


NFTy Arcade's Gateway software is constantly optimized to fit our users' needs. Current features include:

  • Account creation with email and Discord integration

  • Earnings analytics dashboard

  • Game asset breakdowns

  • Marketplace facilitating NFT lending and borrowing

  • Automated payouts and asset re-listing

Last updated