Leaderboard Info

See how you compare to other players and get recruited to play a deck!

Rank is decided by a combination of the following metrics:

  • Current rating which is your Splinterlands in-game rating. This represents a player's elo.

  • Avg Win Rate which is your total wins/games played since you started tracking your account on Gateway. This represents a player's competitiveness.

  • Avg Games per Day which tracks the number of games you play everyday and averages them together. This represents a player's activity level.

  • Avg Daily Chests which tracks the number of focus chests you are earning everyday and averages them together. This represents a player's efficiency.

Each of the metrics above is calculated into a score out of 25. Then, all the scores are combined together and that is how each person is ranked.

Contact - The contact form allows someone to send an email to the corresponding player if they have not opted out of receiving email notifications from Gateway

Stake is a button that will allow you to stake SPS on a player in the future

Last updated